An immersive experience for personal transformation through uniquely tailored training programmes

We are on a mission to inspire a new generation of professionals with a fresh approach to holistic care.

We seek to bring energy medicine to the mainstream using; practical physics, traditional Chinese medicine, communication with the body through specialised dowsing, and innovative tools.

Connecting the dots between anatomy and energy.

An immersive experience for personal transformation through uniquely tailored training programmes

We are on a mission to inspire health professionals with a fresh approach to holistic care.

We seek to bring energy medicine to the mainstream using; practical physics, traditional Chinese medicine, communication with the body through specialised dowsing, and innovative tools.

Connecting the dots between anatomy and energy.

An immersive experience for personal transformation through uniquely tailored training programmes

We are on a mission to inspire health professionals with a fresh approach to holistic care.

We seek to bring energy medicine to the mainstream using; practical physics, traditional Chinese medicine, communication with the body through specialised dowsing, and innovative tools.

Bio-energy is the energy in all living things, including plants, animals and of course people. 

So what do we mean by bio-energetic synergy techniques?

The harmonious working of our mind, body and spirit within our environment and our lives.  Here at The International Academy of Energetic Health,  we believe that everyone is unique. That there are no recipe treatment for chronic ailments or dis-ease because the fundamental or root cause of a symptom varies from person to person.  We therefore teach The ACMOS Method to the highest of standards in combination with the decoding and translation of each person's journey to help them achieve BeST Resonant Health.

ACMOS & BeST Resonant Health , a unique method which embraces, strengthens and informs for optimal health.

 Each person has a divine energetic intelligence or ability to heal. An intelligence which strives to restore coherence and health in spite of genetic patterns and lived experiences -  the internal and external factors which influence our wellbeing.  So what does that mean? How can we stay on track with our most vital energetic patterns  in a world of chaos in politics, weather systems, cosmic events and a plethora of unnatural signals?    ACMOS a unique way of analysing energy in living systems. Using the Lecher Antenna and the ACMOS protocols, we can recalibrate or reset the natural connections and vibrations of our energy body. We can enhance and use that natural energy to optimise performance.

What does performance mean in relation to health?

Let's talk about the energetic efficiency of the human mind-body-soul complex in the face of life events. 
Every body system has its optimum speed, our minds work well when not too fast not to slow, our spirit soars when we take the time to connect within or with nature. We are constantly recalibrating ourselves, adjusting our speed, our level of arousal,  our ability to manage stress, in order to adapt to the needs of the moment.    In an optimised state we all have the ability to let go of conscious and unconscious patterns  which negatively affect  our behaviour and our health.  We all possess the natural ability to reset our temperature, our speed, the viscosity of our body fluids, the fluidity of our fascia. We can be resiliant and strong, we can stay on course and and we can feel whole.  

Unless we lose our natural connections with sunlight and the Earth, or our connection with the SELF!

If we cannot connect with our divine blueprint, our body becomes like a building site without a supervisor, working, working, working without the overseeing influence of the energetic blueprint - we fail to connect back to the plans, to check in with the architect, and inconsistencies in the pattern start to manifest. What starts as a minor incoherence develops over time into a symptom, which may be either a safety valve, an energy dump or a way to release tension. Most therapies look at suppressing symptoms as the obvious solution don't they? But what if there is a hidden problem in the foundational energy which led to that symptom? Where does the energy go when we suppress the symptom?  

Wouldn't you like to be able to influence your own, or your clients wellbeing in a personalised, specifically tailored way? To change their lives and yours, using simple tools and techniques which supercharge your practise in a very natural way?

Do you want to dive really deep into old patterns, and create fundamental shifts? 

We recommend fully embracing the Acmos Method with a certified practitioner. But if you would prefer to look after your own energetic wellbeing, the Lecher antenna allows you to access your first tier of information, redirect your surface energy, test your compatibility and more.

Our programmes teach the use of the Lecher Antenna from complete beginner 
to  outstanding practitioner with a professional qualification in The ACMOS Method
through our partner  
The International Academy of Bioenergetics in Paris, France 

Working Together with Living Energy to Restore  Harmony and Health.
These courses will change your perspective and your life!

Bio-energy is the energy in all living things, including plants, animals and of course people. 

So what do we mean by bio-energetic synergy techniques?

The harmonious working of our mind, body and spirit within our environment and our lives. Here at The International Academy of Energetic Health, we believe that everyone is unique. That there is no simple recipe treatment for chronic ailments or dis-ease because the fundamental or root cause of a symptom varies from person to person. We, therefore teach The ACMOS Method to the highest of standards in combination with the decoding and translation of each person's journey to help them achieve BeST Resonant Health.

ACMOS & BeST Resonant Health
A unique method which embraces, strengthens and informs for optimal health.

Each person has a divine energetic intelligence or ability to heal. An intelligence which strives to restore coherence and health in spite of genetic patterns and lived experiences - the internal and external factors which influence our wellbeing. So what does that mean? How can we stay on track with our most vital energetic patterns in a world of chaos in politics, weather systems, cosmic events and a plethora of unnatural signals? ACMOS a unique way of analysing energy in living systems. Using the Lecher Antenna and the ACMOS protocols, we can recalibrate or reset the natural connections and vibrations of our energy body. We can enhance and use that natural energy to optimise performance.

What does performance mean in relation to health?

Let's talk about the efficiency of the human mind-body-soul complex in the face of life events.
Every body system has its optimum speed, our minds work well when not too fast not to slow, our spirit soars when we take the time to connect within or with nature. We are constantly recalibrating ourselves, adjusting our speed, our level of arousal, our ability to manage stress, in order to adapt to the needs of the moment. In an optimised state we all have the ability to let go of conscious and unconscious patterns which negatively affect our behaviour and our health. We all possess the natural ability to reset our temperature, our speed, the viscosity of our body fluids, the fluidity of our fascia. We can be resiliant and strong, we can stay on course and and we can feel whole.

Unless we lose our natural connections with sunlight and the Earth, or our connection with the SELF!

If we cannot connect with our divine blueprint, our body becomes like a building site without a supervisor, working, working, working without the overseeing influence of the energetic blueprint - we fail to connect back to the plans, to check in with the architect, and inconsistencies in the pattern start to manifest.
What starts as a minor incoherence develops over time into a symptom, which may be either a safety valve, an energy dump or a way to release tension.

Most therapies look at suppressing symptoms as the obvious solution don't they? But what if there is a hidden problem in the foundational energy which led to that symptom? Where does the energy go when we suppress the symptom?

Wouldn't you like to be able to influence your own, or your clients wellbeing in a personalised, specifically tailored way? To change their lives and yours, using simple tools and techniques which supercharge your practise in a very natural way?

Do you want to dive really deep into old patterns, and create fundamental shifts? 

We recommend fully embracing the Acmos Method with a certified practitioner. But if you would prefer to look after your own energetic wellbeing, the Lecher antenna allows you to access your first tier of information, and redirect your surface energy, test your compatibility and more. 

Our programmes teach the use of the Lecher Antenna from complete beginner to  outstanding practitioner with a professional qualification in The ACMOS Method through our partner  
The International Academy of Bioenergetics in Paris, France 

Working Together with Living Energy to Restore  Harmony and Health.
This method will change your perspective and your life!

The International Academy of Energetic Health Presents our
BeST Resonant Health Mentorship Programme

This unique program is designed to provide participants with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in the field of energetic health.

Through a combination of online lectures, hands-on training, and personalised mentorship, participants will gain a deep understanding
 of how to optimise their health and the health of their clients using the power of resonance.

The BeST Resonant Health mentorship program
offers a comprehensive and
transformative learning experience!

Join us on this exciting journey towards vibrant
health and vitality!

Frontiers in Energy Medicine

Delve into a captivating story of the scientific Lecher Antenna with insights into holistic healing, decoding the mysteries of vitality and well-being for all.

Whether you're an experienced practitioner or simply intrigued by the potential of energy therapies, this book offers invaluable wisdom to enrich your understanding and practice.

Understand resonance and put this knowledge into ACTION!

Tap below to secure your copy on Amazon today!

Frontiers in Energy Medicine

Delve into a captivating story of the scientific Lecher Antenna with insights into holistic healing, decoding the mysteries of vitality and well-being for all. 

Whether you're an experienced practitioner or simply intrigued by the potential of energy therapies, this book offers invaluable wisdom to enrich your understanding and practice.
Understand resonance and put this knowledge into ACTION! 

Tap below to secure your copy on Amazon today!

We have programmes for super-motivated professional therapists to take their practise to the 
deepest of levels giving their clients a truly transformational experience.
And we have introductory courses to allow everyone to benefit from simple techniques to feel more connected, and more healthy.
Our Antenna masterclasses open  the world of energetic healing to all abilities. Video recordings take you through each step and widen  the scope of antenna use in easy stages.
The ACMOS Method facilitates fundamental change, allowing you to improve your own health and, if you become a Bioenergetician, your practise will stand out as unique in the marketplace. We offer ever-growing resources for beginners and advanced practitioners alike.  

Our BeST Resonant Health Programme offers 40 hours of core learning, modules enhanced by weekly live sessions, deep dives, 
practical experience and Q&A sessions which teach you an enhanced version of the ACMOS Method. Total over 100 hours of  with the guided learning.

All of our training integrates the ACMOS principles with anatomy, physiology, 
neuroscience, fascial science, and Chinese Medicine.

New footage and explanations really bring this course to life! 

We have programmes for super-motivated professional therapists to take their practise to the 
deepest of levels giving their clients a truly transformational experience.

And we have introductory courses to allow everyone to benefit from simple techniques to feel more connected, and more healthy.

Our Antenna masterclasses open  the world of energetic healing to all abilities. Video recordings take you through each step and widen  the scope of antenna use in easy stages.

The ACMOS Method facilitates fundamental change, allowing you to improve your own health and, if you become a Bioenergetician, your practise will stand out as unique in the marketplace. We offer ever-growing resources for beginners and advanced practitioners alike.  

Our BeST Resonant Health Programme offers 40 hours of core learning, modules enhanced by weekly live sessions, deep dives, 
practical experience and Q&A sessions which teach you an enhanced version of the ACMOS Method. Total over 100 hours of  with the guided learning.

All of our training integrates the ACMOS principles with anatomy, physiology, 
neuroscience, fascial science, and Chinese Medicine.

New footage and explanations really bring this course to life! 

We feature regular live sessions

Q&A's, practical balance sessions, and live masterclasses are all recorded
so that you can review them any time you like. Masterclasses will be regularly offered
to expand your understanding and  application of the Method.

Enhance your skills to balance the person with their life. Strengthen their vital life force in the face of inherited patterns, lived experiences, emotions and environmental conflict. Decrease sensitivity to people : places : objects :  
both true and perceived stresses.

We support your well being

We understand the importance of self-care, of true connection and an “Esprit d’corps” so we invite you to join our group and find your home in resonance based Energy Medicine. Throughout our experiential learning process you will really get to know Carol and your practise will flourish under her mentorship as part of a growing community of supportive professionals.

If this opportunity sounds like a perfect fit for you please get in touch as places are limited!     

Years after I start working as a massage therapist and I feel like a "call" and I start searching through the internet and I find you talking about the ACMOS Method, I bought my antenna through you, the wonderful Carol, and shortly after I bought my learning kit directly to ACMOS, hoping that maybe one day I could study in Spanish, then COVID appeared... I wrote to you and you said: "I think that the best path for you are the ops". I didn't know you were in the recorded classes and ... I'm finally learning ACMOS, and it's Carol in the videos!!! So... yes, I can say that it is thanks to you that today I am inside the Acmos op, and I am very happy.. I am learning ACMOS but also improving my oral comprehension of the English language. I am very grateful to you Carol, you are my connection to ACMOS. 


Years after I start working as a massage therapist and I feel like a "call" and I start searching through the internet and I find you talking about the ACMOS Method, I bought my antenna through you, the wonderful Carol, and shortly after I bought my learning kit directly to ACMOS, hoping that maybe one day I could study in Spanish, then COVID appeared... I wrote to you and you said: "I think that the best path for you are the ops". I didn't know you were in the recorded classes and ... I'm finally learning ACMOS, and it's Carol in the videos!!! So... yes, I can say that it is thanks to you that today I am inside the Acmos op, and I am very happy.. I am learning ACMOS but also improving my oral comprehension of the English language. I am very grateful to you Carol, you are my connection to ACMOS. 


Watch. Learn and be inspired!

Best Resonant Health - Free Resources

An Introduction to ACMOS with the Lecher Antenna

Watch. Learn and be inspired!

Best Resonant Health - Free Resources

An Introduction to ACMOS with the Lecher Antenna

Carol's new book on Lecher Antenna would let  you dive into this hidden world which accounts for a huge proportion of health-related problems.   Since we are talking about energy and it's alignment, it is Carol's vibrant energy which would charge up and illuminate your journey of Bioenergetics via this book of hers... Go and grab a copy of yours… and dive deep in Carol's world of Energy. 

Tanuja Singh

Healer and ACMOS Method Practitioner, Director of Acmos India Assistant Professor, Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance, U.S. Counsellor (mental health), Writer, Poet, Blogger

 Carol's new book on Lecher Antenna would let  you dive into this hidden world which accounts for a huge proportion of health-related problems.   Since we are talking about energy and it's alignment, it is Carol's vibrant energy which would charge up and illuminate your journey of Bioenergetics via this book of hers... Go and grab a copy of yours… and dive deep in Carol's world of Energy. 

Tanuja Singh

Healer and ACMOS Method Practitioner, Director of Acmos India Assistant Professor, Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance, U.S. Counsellor (mental health), Writer, Poet, Blogger

The Energy Medicine Hub

Our facebook group is a fantastic way to connect with others  in the field of scientific energy medicine.

The Energy Medicine Hub

Our facebook group is a fantastic way to connect with others 
in the field of scientific energy medicine.

Carol Robertson

My name is Carol and I am a practitioner with many years of experience as a health professional. I have over 30 years of experience as a Chartered Physiotherapist and more than 15 years of experience in ACMOS Bioenergy Balancing.

I have a particular interest in helping people recover from fatigue, and other chronic health problems through a trauma-informed practice. Together we focus on physical health, energy balancing, resilience and general well-being.

Carol Robertson

My name is Carol and I am a practitioner with many years of experience as a health professional. I have over 30 years of experience as a Chartered Physiotherapist and more than 15 years of experience in ACMOS Bioenergy Balancing.
I have a particular interest in helping people recover from fatigue, and other chronic health problems through a trauma-informed practice. Together we focus on physical health, energy balancing, resilience and general well-being.

Learning from Carol has been an amazing experience, in the truest sense of that word. Her immense knowledge in this very advanced ACMOS system has tremendously helped me in my healing journey as well as in my profession.

I am an Ayurvedic Practitioner and meditation teacher, and I was looking to incorporate a holistic modality to enhance my practice. ACMOS fitted right in as its principles are very aligned with that of Ayurveda, and I can test all of the nuances of the Ayurvedic approach by testing through ACMOS! 

Mukta Mudgal

ACMOS Method Practitioner, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Meditation Teacher